Activity In The Public Microcap Sector Increasing – 163 words, 50 seconds


163 words, approximately 50 seconds


(AN) – At a time when many small businesses are being forced to face layoffs and cutbacks, there are others that are taking advantage of the new opportunities that these turbulent times present, and yet others that are finding new forms of financing in the public microcap markets.

“We have been getting increased requests from real estate mircocap companies wanting to go public,” reports Charlene Kalk of There are many good deals in the real estate market right now, and the smart entrepreneurs are trying to buy as much property as they can while prices are depressed.”

“Others,” says Stan Medley a consultant to “are turning to the microcap public markets to raise money. There is plenty of money available right now, and smart entrepreneurs are realizing that small companies, even those only making a couple of hundred thousand a year, can go public and raise money on the microcap markets.”

For more information on going public on the microcap markets, visit