10 Second Personality Test When Approaching Women – Dating To Relating For Men – 1/24/11

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Dating To Relating For Men – Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular DatingToRelating.com website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z”. Have a question? Send it to Column@DatingToRelating.com and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions can not be answered.)

Question: How do I learn about her fast (just by approaching her) before I talk to her?

Answer: Well I have a whole chapter devoted to this in my book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z” and an article on my website called “Feet, Personality Theory and Dating and Relationships” you might want to check them out, but here is a quick summary.

The fastest and quickest way you can assess personality is by what I call observing “feet angles” and best of all you can see it from across the room or down the hall when approaching her.

What are “feet angles”? Well this is a term I coined to refer to the angle between a person’s two feet.

Let us use the face of a clock for an example. Look at the big hand and the little hand. They both start at the same point in the center of the dial, but the tips of the big hand and little hand point to different places. The two lines formed by the big hand and the little hand create an angle. The angle between them is measured geometrically in degrees.

A circle has 360 degrees. So in the clock example every minute would be a change of 6 degrees. So if we use 12 noon or 12 o’clock. The two hands are parallel and there is no angle, or 0 degrees.

When it is 12:05 pm the hands create what is called a 30 degree angle. When it is 12:10 the two hands create a 60 degree angle. At 12:15 the two hands create a 90 degree angle and at 12:20 the two hands create a 120 degree angle.

Now the angles between human feet don’t get much wider than that, so for our purposes let’s stop the geometry lesson here.

Now here is the thing, “feet angles” correlate with personality at about an 80% to 90% consistency. That’s a high enough correlation to make some quick predictions when meeting people.

So first of all, observe and know your own “feet angle”.

For example, if you have straight feet (parallel with no angle) you definitely don’t want to get involved with anyone with a wide angel. Find someone with as straight feet as possible.

In general, know your own feet angles and find someone who is the same or only a few degrees different. Here is the Maxim you can apply:

MAXIM:1 – You should not get into a relationship with anyone who is more than 2-3 minutes on a clock face or 12- 24 degrees (geometrically) different than your own “angle between the feet”. People who are more than 2-3 minutes, or 12-24 degrees different from you are going to have personality types that are too different from you and more or less incompatible.

“Feet Angle” personality typing isn’t perfect. It will only be right 8 or 9 times out of 10. But that is pretty good for a quick, easy-to-apply rule.

Mr. L. Rx