Monday Headlines: Talk the walk

Launched on Saturday, a first-of-its-kind satellite will detect carbon dioxide emissions from individual facilities. / Reuters

An explainer on the subsea cables that the internet depends on, and that will surely be targets in any sort of kinetic conflict.” / CNET

As if deepfaked nudes of private individuals weren't already chilling enough, now an online AI marketplace has introduced “bounties.” / 404 Media

The US Army has overturned the convictions of 110 Black soldiers accused of mutiny in the 1917 Houston race riot. / Houston Chronicle

After 28 years of monthly meetups, a book club finally reaches the end of Finnegans Wake. / The Guardian

See also: A detailed interpretation of Finnegans Wake's final page. / From Swerve of Shore to Bend of Bay

What happens when you take a ChatGPT-guided walking tour of Sydney: exceedingly distant recommendations for soup and straight-up lies. / The Guardian

See also: Armed with a fistful of maps from 1901 and a smartphone bristling with data-recording apps, an attempt at uncovering a city's secrets. / The Morning News

After training a GPT as his assistant, John Warner has notes: “It is not me in ways that are frankly, sort of disturbing.” / The Biblioracle Recommends

Are any words the same in all languages? The answer: two, almost. / Duolingo

“I started thinking about why I play this game in the first place, a typical thought one has when one is losing.” Diary of a chess tournament. / Dirt

Competing in the annual Man Against Horse Race, which is exactly what it sounds like. / GQ

“I recently sent out a survey asking parents to describe the situations that make them feel the most competent and the most like wayward teens.” / The Cut

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