Wednesday headlines: Crude awakening

In the past year, the Pentagon has successfully tested a wide range of autonomous weapons, and while there's more to come, international consensus remains iffy. / Defense One

The US is currently on pace to produce more oil—13.3 million barrels of a day—than any country in history. / CNN

In Ukraine, Radio Boiling Over in Kharkiv gives residents a megaphone to broadcast their fears and anger as they face daily bombardment from Russian missiles. / The New York Times [+]

“The best approach to teaching empathy may be through literature, art, music, and other humanities.” Why defunding liberal arts is bad for health care. / STAT

In all of 2022 there were 941 cases in Europe. From January to February last year there were more than 30,000. / The Guardian

The current state of white-collar employment: Job dissatisfaction is growing, with more workers hoping to switch jobs, but with fewer openings to choose from. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

See also: A database that tracks tech layoffs as they're announced. /

“I'm not going back.” The dramatic story of what happened when an astronaut refused to return from a spacewalk, an incident that remains shrouded in mystery. / Ars Technica

Remembering music writer Neil Kulkarni, who died this week at 51. / The Quietus

See also: Published earlier this month, Kulkarni's retrospective of some of his own favorite pieces. / The Wire

Johnny Marr responds to video showing the Smiths' “Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want” playing at a Trump rally: “Consider this shit shut right down right now.” / Pitchfork

An argument for why some rich countries are so culturally conservative. / The Great Gender Divergence

“The pain cave is where I go when it physically feels like I can't take another step.” A dispatch from one of the world's most competitive ultra-marathons, in Chamonix. / BBC

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