
November 17, 2008 – Los Angeles – AssociatedNews.US announced today free content, story ideas, and guest introduction services for the print, radio and television media. AssociatedNews.US’s services are geared to getting editors, journalists, and producers copyright free content or provide story ideas to help journalists and editors meet their deadlines.

AssociatedNews.US will provide pre-written articles, columns, and cartoons as well as story ideas and guests for interviews for the media.

AssociatedNews.US only has one policy with respect to our content. Our articles, columns, cartoons, and associated pictures are provided to you without copyright restrictions because they are client sponsored. If you use any of our articles, columns, or cartoons you may not make any material changes, you must include our attribution (AN, AssociatedNews.US) and you must not edit out client information provided in the content. (For example: Name, websites, 800#, stock symbol, etc.) If possible, please also send a clipping of any content you use to

Content, story ideas, and guest media pages are provided to you via email distribution and/or may be picked up online at

To join our mailing list simply send an email with “subscribe” in the subject line to


Durk Dugan

PO Box 27596

Los Angeles,

CA 90027-0596

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