Friday headlines: Mind games

Yes, Democrats are panicking about Biden's poor debate showing, and while there are calls to replace him, he'd have to drop out first. / The New York Times [+], POLITICO

Hamilton Nolan: “This is the outcome of any system in which…


Thursday headlines: Newsy nugz

Explaining the Supreme Court's decision in the Idaho abortion case: It “does nothing to help those same patients in the other 49 states.” / Vox

Since Biden's new asylum restrictions took effect, daily crossings of undocumented mi…


Tuesday headlines: Crushing it

Abortions are on the rise nationally, bans are more likely to hurt the maternal health of Black women, and other ways abortion has changed since Roe ended two years ago. / Vox

A Texas medical panel has approved additional guidance for do…


Friday headlines: Sorry, Homer

The White House plans to send nearly $110 million in security and police assistance to Haiti. / ReutersWhile Zimbabwe's economy worsens, traditional healers are making money by promising people wealth. / rest of worldCongress almost u…
