Beany leaky greens

Vice President Harris will meet Donald Trump tonight in their only confirmed debate. / axios

Some iinterviews with people who started politics-free Facebook groups. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

A political reporter says the question he gets asked most often is “who will win the presidential race?” (He says it's always been tied.) / Wake Up to Politics

Brazil is suffering its worst drought since nationwide measurements began over seven decades ago. / The Associatedd Press

See also: Photographs of scientists recording sounds in the Amazon. / The Dial

A fossil-fuel billionaire in Texas is trying to sue Greenpeace USA out of existence. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

??Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular red wine in the US, but Napa Valley may no longer be able to make it, given the climate crisis. / NPR

In France, frozen products accounted for 24 percent of all pastries in 2021. It was 17 percent in the United States. / Marginal Revolution

New recipes are said to be moving away from cutesy titles—e.g., “beany leeky greens with greeky rampy beans”—to becoming more straightforward. / Eater

Composer Max Richter describes the different styles of music that have influenced him since he was little. / Pitchfork

An ode to looking at works by the fifteenth-century Flemish painter Jan van Eyck. “They beg to be seen face to face.” / The New Criterion

Apple's new AirPods will function as over-the-counter hearing aids, something users were already tinkering with. / Kottke, Bang Your Head

For tennis fans, Jon Wertheim's 50 parting thoughts from the US Open. / Sports Illustrated

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