Dating Advice For Women – Dating To Relating For Men – 3/01/10

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Dating To Relating For Men – Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z.” Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions can not be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, I am a woman and was wondering if you ever give advice to women.

Answer: Yes, I do. I give advice to my daughters and women friends all the time. Here are what I believe to be “No Brainers”. If you consider yourself an upbeat classy woman and you are looking for the same in a man, then if a man has or does any of the following, DROP HIM LIKE A ROCK. He is NOT and never will be classy.

a)   If a man ever hits you or slaps you or even threatens you in a rough way – leave him immediately.

b)   If a man is over 20 years old, living in the USA and he doesn’t have a car – drop him like a hot potato. Men are supposed to be the providers. If he can’t even provide for himself, he is not much of a man.

c)   If a man tries to move into YOUR apartment because he doesn’t have a job or a place to stay – drop him immediately. Again, men are supposed to be the providers. Don’t ever support a man. It may seem cool for a while but in the long run you will regret it.

d)   If a man plays with you like you are one of his buddies – drop him instantly. If he can’t make the distinction between men and women, he is a real idiot.

e)   If a man doesn’t have any men friends or his men friends are a bunch of a**holes – drop him immediately. There is a reason men (or good men) don’t like him.

f)    If a guy is jealous or possessive for no reason – drop him NOW! When people are jealous or paranoid for no reason at all, they are projecting their own moral code on you. They are saying, “If I were in that situation I would be cheating on her, so I know she is cheating on me.” Want to know if I guy would ever cheat on you? This is your biggest clue.

g)   If a guy wants a committed relationship after one date – run for the hills!!! This guy is NUTS and will soon turn possessive. And even if he is not acting like it now, you’ll find out the hard way sooner or later if you continue with him.

h)  If a guy walks up to you on the street and tells you how hot you are – well just mosey on away…then run for the hills!

i)  And of course, if he is married or in a relationship DROP him the minute you find out. This is the biggest no brainer of all. If he cheats on her, he WILL cheat on you. Don’t buy into his sad story of how bad she treats him and what a great guy he is. He is a liar and a cheat. It is all bulls**t. Don’t find out the hard way. Just drop him.

If you want to learn how to spot and pick out a guy whose personality is 80-90 percent compatible with yours, read my article entitled,  “Feet, Personality Theory, Dating and Relationships”. You’ll find it free on the internet and you’ll be glad you did!

Mr. L. Rx