Elwood – Release 10/25/10

You may use this “Elwood” cartoon in your newspaper, magazine, on website royalty free as long as you do not edit out any information, and you make sure the attribution (AssociatedNews.US) and the copyright (2010 Bryley) are clearly legible within or outside of the cartoon. You may only use the cartoon royalty free as a single panel cartoon in your newspaper, magazine, or website. It may not be used in any books, book compilations or cartoon collections without our express permission.

Elwood is a weekly one panel cartoon with releases scheduled for every Monday.

Elwood is created and authored by “Bryley” and released exclusively through AssociatedNews.US

If you would like to be on the direct advance distribution list for the weekly release of “Elwood” send an email to Elwood@AssociatedNews.US and tell us your name and the name of the publication that will be using “Elwood.”

Copyright 2010 by Bryley.

Right click on the image below and “save as” a “.jpg” file.