Friday headlines: “Magic began singing”


A veteran from Capitol Hill says if you want to take politics seriously, don't send money to candidates. / Matt's Five Points

This week in Chicago, a “Hotties for Harris” event was held for “the brat set,” with slogans like “Tim Waltz Got Me Laid.” / Intelligencer

Related: A guide to “the streamer dipshits” that Donald Trump keeps appearing with. / Read Max

For the first time in more than a decade, the Democrats' platform doesn't include abolishing the death penalty. / Huffpost

Most men in the United States support abortion rights—and a group of them are recruiting more guys to be active about it. / The Guardian

An early gay icon was a Republican who saw the federal government as the enemy of homosexuals. / reason

Unrelated: A very moving obituary for the globally famous gay penguin Sphen. / The New York Times [+]

A handful of companies are commercializing varieties of edible microbes. / Undark Magazine

A related white paper from last year: “From air to your plate: tech startups making food from atmospheric CO2.” / Nature

Adopting a prosthesis as an extension of your body can be a challenge—moreso when the prosthetics company decorates it with logos. / The Atlantic [+]

Hinge releases a print zine full of love stories about couples that met on the app. (The stories are also online.) / MarketingDive, No Ordinary Love

“Snapchat is really good at making everyone involved think that they care about you.” How teenagers rank each other on Snap. / The Cut

For your weekend long read: A story about the psychological dangers of doing big adventures when you're an experienced outdoors person. / Longreads

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