Get Women To Approach You – Dating To Relating For Men – 8/12/13

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“Dating To Relating For Men” is created and authored by Mr. L. Rx and released exclusively through AssociatedNews.US. Mr. L. Rx is one of the preeminent men’s dating advice gurus, with the second most popular men’s dating advice site on the internet ( and several popular books such as his dating bible for men – Dating To Relating – From A to Z.

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Dating To Relating For Men – Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z.” Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions can not be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, is there a way to get women to approach you rather than always having to be the one who approaches? I have extreme anxiety over always having to be the one to approach a woman.

Answer: Yes, there are ways to create women approaching you as opposed to you approaching women. Many guys have “approach anxiety” after being shot down one too many times. Of course, you want to overcome that fear and one way of overcoming it is getting experience with women and getting them to approach you first.

Some of the more complex ways are in my book “Dating To Relating – from A To Z.” However, here are some of the more simpler ways.

Personal ads and online dating services. Placing a personal ad or a profile on a dating service gets women to approach you first to make contact. It is the simplest method I know. You don’t ever have to approach women on these services. Place your ad or your profile and let women come to you first.

When you are out and about, try to go places where the male-female ration is in your favor. Don’t go to places where there are 20 guys and 2 girls. Girls won’t need to approach you in such places as there will be plenty of men approaching them.

Go instead to places where there are 20 girls and 2 men. Now you will find that women are competitive and will start approaching men. Where are such places? Well dance classes, cooking classes, knitting classes, etc. It will be different in each community. Just look around and find some places where it is mainly women in attendance, and find a way to be a part of the group.

I know an average guy, who was a security guard at a women’s gym, who was getting hit on left and right. Needless to say, he loved his job.

Finally, there are qualities you can exhibit that will get women to approach you. It is not always about being a handsome guy. A well dressed, well mannered guy will get attention from and attract women. A courteous gentleman will get attention and attraction from women. A man who is known to listen to women will get the same.

Women also like men who are confident. So posture, attitude, the way you walk or talk can exhibit confidence and attract women.

The more complex methods involve positioning and motions and observation of personality characteristics. Everyone is different and what creates attraction and approach from women will vary with different personality types. However, the simple techniques I mention above will get you started in the right direction.

Mr. L. Rx