How To Act Around Attractive Women – Dating To Relating For Men – 11/21/11

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Dating To Relating For Men – Advice By Mr. L. Rx

Released by AssociatedNews.US

Mr. L. Rx is the author of the popular website and the author of the popular book “Dating To Relating – From A To Z.” Have a question? Send it to and it may be selected for answer in this column. (Sorry all questions can not be answered.)

Question: Mr. L. Rx, How do you act around very attractive women? I do OK with women in general but the way I act around average women doesn’t seem to work on very attractive women.

Answer: If you want to understand how to act around very attractive women, then get their viewpoint and realize what the average guy does to them all day long, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from the time they are 16 or so.

Here is an example: I had a girlfriend once who would come home with about 15 business cards everyday from men who approached her and told her how beautiful she was and asked her out.

Her policy was simple. She would never go out with a man who approached her on the street no matter how attractive or rich he was. Because she was a very intelligent woman and it was apparent to her that the guys approaching her, were only interested in one thing – her looks.

These guys didn’t know her, didn’t have any other information about her, and weren’t really concerned about her personality. They were only interested in impressing her so that she would go out with them. They wanted a sexual relationship right off the bat. That was the only thing they were focused on.

They always told her how beautiful she was. How they had never seen a girl so beautiful and they would do anything to go out with her. Then they proceeded to talk about themselves forever in an attempt to impress her and get her to go out with them.

Sound familiar? Do you do this or some variation around very good looking women?

Very good looking women aren’t interested in guys who see them and immediately want to have a sexual relationship with them. A lot of very good looking women are super intelligent. If not super intelligent, they still have personality and interests that are unique to them.

They best advice I can give you is to act the same way around very attractive women that you would normally act around very “ugly” women. If you were talking to a woman you considered very “ugly” and had no interest in sexually, you would probably talk to her about normal things and if she exhibited some common interest or a nice personality you might be interested in interacting with her in the future in some way.

You would probably be a little “aloof” because you aren’t that attracted to her and wouldn’t want to give her any wrong signals.

Now if you could act this same way around very attractive women, you might find them hitting on you as the “most interesting” guy they have ever met.

For example, if you were talking to a very attractive woman and realized that she was funny and had a nice personality and told her that, never once mentioning that she was beautiful and that you were attracted to her, you might find that on a subsequent date it would be hard for her to keep her hands off of you.

I have been doing this for years and it works ninety percent of the time. Try it and it might work for you.

Mr. L. Rx