Monday headlines: Caught in the rot

Looking at Truman and Johnson's withdrawals and subsequent electoral defeats for Democrats, historians say Biden's circumstances differ quite a lot. / The New York Times [+]

Drug-resistant bacteria often spread in war zones; as conflicts proliferate around the globe, the risk of superbugs reaching civilian populations rises. / Rolling Stone

“The pool itself [was] rendered unusable by fallen glass, concrete, plaster and assorted debris.” Ukrainian swimmers train for the Olympics amid Russian attacks. / The Guardian

The Crowdstrike outage is a direct result of the Rot Economy, where profit is absolutely valued over people. / Where's Your Ed At?

Related: A 12-hour timelapse depicting the number of US flights grounded due to the CrowdStrike outage. / X

Thanks to its ancient technology infrastructure, the MTA has been running normally during the Crowdstrike meltdown. / Curbed

As more content owners restrict their data, AI companies are quickly running out of new material to feed their models. / The New York Times [+]

Unrelated: It's apparently quite common for Americans to shoot at delivery drones. / Quartz

“Perhaps, amid a deluge of AI-generated jingles and podcast music and pop songs, we will all search even harder for the human.” AI can't make music. / The Atlantic

See also: The top 18 albums of 2024 so far. / Andrew Womack

What it's like to attend a “predatory conference,” a disorganized event with little quality control that's designed to make its organizers money. / Nature

“When I told a friend I was revisiting The Gods Must Be Crazy 40 years later, he said, 'Oh, I remember that movie! It must be totally racist.' It really is.” / Slate

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