Monday headlines: Cogito ergo bum

Chinese and Philippine ships collide, making for a test of Beijing's new coastguard law. / The South China Morning Post

A remote outpost in the South China Sea is said to be the front line of potential conflict. / The Atlantic

During the pandemic, the US military launched a secret campaign to sow doubt in the Philippines about the safety and efficacy of Chinese PPE. / Reuters

See also: Nine health and science takeaways from Anthony Fauci's new memoir. / STAT

An assessment of China as a scientific superpower. / The Economist

Green energy is making fast progress around the world. / Semafor

In 2022, more fish were farmed worldwide than harvested from the wild, seemingly a first. / Grist

Meanwhile, Sephora reportedly sells a jar of “Brazilian Bum Bum Cream” every six seconds. / After School

In response to the rise of AI imagery, a team at The Guardian is making all of its election-coverage artwork by hand. / It's Nice That

As you read these words, do you have a voice saying them in your head? That's “subvocalization.” / IFL Science

Sebastian Junger has a new book about near-death experiences. “I saw my father, and I saw the pit.” / Vox

“A feud between sisters? Isn't that… female?” Patricia Lockwood is back with an essay about A.S. Byatt. / The London Review of Books

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