Monday headlines: Preaching to the tire

EU officials have reportedly drawn up a plan to sabotage Hungary's economy if its Russia-friendly prime minister decides again to block support for Ukraine. / The Guardian

Related/unrelated: Seven laws of pessimism. / Quillette

E-commerce revenue in the United States is forecast to exceed $2.5 trillion by 2027. Alongside it: the return of train heists. / The New York Times Magazine

California may follow Europe and the UK by requiring cars to contain “limiters” that would stop a driver from going more than 10 mph over the speed limit. / Car and Driver

See also: “What my grandma's California trailer taught me about housing and elder care.” / The Los Angeles Times

A thorough summary of the ongoing “bloodbath” in American journalism. / Book Post

Hundreds turn out to protest the return of bullfighting to Mexico City. / BBC News

Architecture is said to be in a battle between ultramodern and traditional—”but both are mass-produced, industrial, and international.” / aeon

Plastistones, a new type of sedimentary rock that's part-plastic and part-rock, have been found in 11 countries. / Popular Mechanics

The future of mountaineering in Nepal is said to be threatened by a decline in sherpas. / The Economist

A person's “healthspan” is the number of years they live with good health. “It can be changed very rapidly in experimental models and probably in people, too.” / NPR

David Sedaris and his best friend Dawn know precisely how they'd eat a tire in a year. / The New Yorker

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