Mr. L. Rx – Dating And Relating


For further information go to
or you can contact Mr. L. Rx at
Dating To Relating, Inc.
4001 Kennett Pike #134-590 Wilmington,DE 19807. 302-777-1642 x 423.
Publicist – Durk Dugan – 707-280-8818


Mr. L. Rx is the author of the Dating To Relating website ( – the Internet’s second most popular “dating tip” site for men with over 1,000,000 unique visitors per month), the author of “Dating To Relating – From A To Z” (available on his website and at, and the author of “How To Get More Sex From Your Wife Or Girlfriend” (available on his website and at, and the author of the eReport “How I Got 700 Dates In One Year.”

In his fifties, Mr. L. Rx has some times been called the “Observational Guru” rather than a “Dating Guru” as it is his ability to observe throughout his fifty plus years of experience that allows him to share dozens of unique dating and relationship strategies that apply to different personality types and different situations.

Unlike other “Gurus” who give you one strategy that works for them and then apply it to “all men or women,” Mr. L. Rx acknowledges that people have different personalities and that different personalities require different strategies.

Mr. L. Rx’s techniques and strategies work for any man no matter what he looks like. Mr. L. Rx points out that he personally has had thousands of dates with beautiful young women in his forties and fifties whereas in his teen years and early twenties when he was a hot-looking young man in his prime, he couldn’t get a date.

Mr. L. Rx teaches men and women his unique “observational technology” which allows you to develop your own situationally correct strategies for your own situation and personality in addition to Mr. L. Rx giving you dozens of already tried and proven techniques of his own.

Mr. L. Rx believes that successful relationships develop from sane dating habits and technique, and that communication, observation, and create are the foundations of a successful relationship.

Mr. L. Rx is a firm champion of monogamy when in a committed relationship and a firm believer in “multiple dating” when not in a committed relationship.

Mr. L. Rx believes in family values and is the proud father of four children (three girls and a boy.)


Should Men & Women Multiple or Serial Date, or is that a No No?

How To Tell If He or She Is Compatible in 10 Seconds.

How to Pick up women in bars and clubs

How To Get Laid every night by a different woman –

Non- traditional relationships – arrangements – is it prostitution or practicality?

How to maintain multiple sexual relationships without lying to anyone.

Dating advice gurus are a bunch of scams. Here is how the scam works.

How To Get Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Want More Sex.

How To Get A Second Date.

Foreplay – How To Meet Women, Attract Women, And Relate To Women Sexually

How To Make Love To A Woman

How To Create A Lasting Relationship.


3 Ways To Get and Maintain Multiple Sexual Partners with out lying to anyone.

Blind Dating – The 10 second personality test.

Three ways to pick up women in bars and clubs

The Two Basic Ways To Get Laid Every Night By A Different Woman – Without Lying or Cheating.

Wives, Girlfriends, Lovers and Whores – What Constitutes Prostitution?

The Dating Guru Scam – What They Don’t Tell You.

How To Get Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Want More Sex.

How To Get A Second Date.

Foreplay and Love Making – How To Make Love To A Woman

How People Blow A Successful Relationship On The First Date.

Is a Lasting Relationship possible?


BoB- &-Mr-L-Rx-Interview (10:11 – length of interview)



Q1: Why Mr. L. Rx? Why not your real name?

Q2: I’ve looked at your website and gone to, the site that ranks website popularity based on traffic and I noticed that your website, com has been growing over the last year while all the other major dating Gurus’ sites are declining or stalled. Why is that?

Q3: Now I seem to recall from your website that you are big on multiple relationships, 5 or 6 girlfriends at a time.

Q4: What is the biggest mistake that men make with women?

Q5: What is this thing with “friends only” that a lot of guys seem to run into all the time?


Should Men or Women Multiple Date or Serial Date or is that a No No!

Q1: Is it true you went on 700 dates in a year? A: ( 1 minute)

Q2: How on earth did you do that? A: ( 1 minute)

Q3 Now what is the point. Do you really have to go on that many dates to find someone to have sex with? Or are you having sex with them all? A: ( 1 minute).

Q3a: Isn’t this just a typical egotistical male thing to do. To brag about how many dates you’ve
been on. A: ( 1 minute)

Q5: What do you tell the women? Do they know you’ve been on that many dates? A: ( 1 minute)


Q1: What do feet have to do with personality? A: ( 1 minute)Q2: What exactly do you look at when you observe feet? A: ( 1 minute)

Q3: A Lot of people agree with the statement that Women Are From Venus and Men Are From Mars. Aren’t the differences between men and women always going to be a problem in relationships? A: ( 1-2 minutes)


Q1: So how good are you at this? A: ( 1 minute)

Q2: How many women have you had sex with. A: ( 1 minute)

Q3: Isn’t that a little dangerous in this time of “Aids” A: ( 1 minute)

Q4: Isn’t that a little immoral? A: ( 1 minute)

Q5: Wouldn’t some women’s groups and religious groups object to teaching men this kind of
stuff. A: ( 1 minute)

Q6: Give us an example of a pick up technique A: ( 1 -3 minutes)


Q1: Why would you want to get laid every night by a different woman? A: ( 1 minute)

Q2: How many women have you had sex with. A: ( 1 minute)

Q3: Isn’t that a little dangerous in this time of “Aids” A: ( 1 minute)

Q4: Isn’t that a little immoral? A: ( 1 minute)

Q5: Wouldn’t some women’s groups and religious groups object to teaching men this kind of stuff.
A: ( 1 minute)

Q6:Do You Tell Them? A: ( 1 minute)

Non- traditional relationships – arrangements – is it prostitution or practicality?

Q 1: What are non-traditional relationships? A: ( 1-2 minute)

Q 2: So how do people meet up like this? A: ( 1 minute)

Q 3: Isn’t it rather shallow? A: ( 1 minute)

Q 4: Isn’t the quality of people doing this low? Don’t you get all the Golddiggers and prostitutes doing this stuff? A: ( 1 minute)

How to maintain multiple sexual relationships without lying to anyone.

Q1: Now you are an advocate of multiple relationships but you are also anadvocate of monogamy. That seems to be a little inconsistent. Explain that one. A: ( 1-2 minute)

Q 2: So how many relationships have you had going ant one time. A: ( 1 minute)

Q 3: When you say relationships are these serious relationships? A: ( 1 minute)

Q 4: How do you find people interested in doing this? A: ( 1 minute)

Q 5: How do you not lie? A: ( 1 minute)

Dating advice gurus are a bunch of scams. They don’t know what they are talking about. Here is how the scam works. It is a partial scam….

Q 1: Now you are a dating Guru. Why do you claim Dating Gurus are a bunch of scams? A: ( 1 minute)

Q 2: What do guys really want from Dating Gurus? A: ( 1 minute)

How To Get Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Want More Sex.

Q1: What is the problem? Why is it tat woman don’t seem to want sex as much as

men. A: ( 1 minute)

Q2: So what kinds of things do men do wrong? A: ( 1 minute)

Q3: How often should a guy get sex in a healthy loving relationship? A: ( 15 seconds)

Q4: What kind of positive things should a man do to get his wife or girlfriend interested in sex more frequently. A: ( 1 minute)


Should Men & Women Multiple Date or should you meet date one person at a time

You can get an accurate assessment of a person’s personality in 10 seconds.

How to Pick up women in bars and clubs

How To Get Laid every night by a different woman –

Non- traditional relationships – arrangements – is it prostitution or practicality?

How to maintain multiple sexual relationships without lying.

Dating advice gurus are a bunch of scams.

The differences between men and women isn’t the biggest problem in sexual relationships.


Why Mr. L. RX?

Well, I would rather remain anonymous. I am not into being famous.

I do not have to prove anything to anyone. I would just like to help a few guys out by giving them CORRECT information on women.

– Mr L Rx


Meeting Women

How To Meet Women In Bars and Clubs

Do You Want To Know How To Attract Women In Bars and Clubs?

Relating To Women

Foreplay – How To Meet Women, Attract Women, And Relate To Women Sexually

Do You Know How To Get A Second Date With A Woman?

How To Create a Better Relationship

How To Manage “Creating a Better Relationship”

Creating A Relationship – The Different Types of Create and Gradients

Relationships – “Your Love Interest as Your Teammate”

How To Get Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Want More Sex

Dating and Relating

Dating To Relating

Dating To Relating – Part Two

Feet, Personality Theory, Dating and Relationships


-Author of the second most popular dating advice website on the web with over 1,000,000 unique visitors a month.

-Author of the poplar dating advice book “Dating To Relating – from A To Z (A Man’s Guide To Understanding Women),” (Available at and )

-Author of “How To Get Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Want More Sex, ”

-Author of “How I Got 700 Dates In One Year (And 2500 Women’s Telephone Numbers.”

When it comes to Dating and Relationships Mr. L. Rx has done it all.

— He has met and maintained relationships with a broad variety of different women.

— He has successfully met women (and developed relationships with them)

in bars

in clubs

naturally –on the street, in the store, etc.

on line

through newspaper and voice mail advertising

through friends

— He has gone on over 700 dates with different women in one year

— He has had multiple long term sexual relationships with as many as 10 women at once without hiding his intentions or lying to any one of them.

— Yet he has never cheated on a wife or girlfriend.

— He has gone to bars and clubs and gotten laid by one-nighters every night of the week for months on end.

— He has gotten laid by a different women every night of the week for months on end.

— He has manipulated the manipulators (you know, p**** teasers) who were out to use him.

— He has gone to strip clubs and had the strippers ask him out! Then taken him home and had sex with him.

— He has had several women ask him to father their child–no strings attached

— At 50 years old Mr. L. Rx has had more young girlfriends 18 -30 years old then he had when he was 18 to 24 years old.




I am in a new place in my life. In my opinion the material in Dating to Relating can change the entire sexual/romantic landscape of America and the planet. Men need this knowledge!

I feel like I understand women for the first time in my life and they apparently can sense it. The most notable change is that I am completely relaxed in the presence of women, even many women, in any circumstance. This has never been the case at any prior time in my entire life.

Thank you, Mr. L. Rx. I believe you are the world’s preeminent authority on the subjects of dating, romance, and sex. You have changed my life forever. Thank you!


Wow. My mind is totally blown. To kingdom come.

After reading Dating to Relating by Mr. L. Rx an entire lifetime of confusion has lifted off me and I can finally understand what is going on with women and how to relate to and deal with them, and with confidence that I am doing the right thing.


I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have found your book. I am a 35 y/o man, recently divorced and was without a clue. I’d go out and see other me with women and see me getting blown off and I felt like the lowest kind of useless. I decided to do something about it so I found and read Neil Strauss books and programs and had some limited success. I read Mystery’s book and it was informative and helped a little. I read Cocky Funny and it helped more than the others, I actually had a one night stand because of it.

Your book (Dating to Relating) is awesome! It is like someone showed me what I already knew to be true and revealed how to move past the blind spots in my mind. In one week I’ve attracted dozens of women, went on three dates and have one sexual friend! I want to have five steady open sexual relationships with five women that I choose. For the first time in my life it seems completely plausible.

One thing you said that just blew my mind was that women who go out with you are communicating to you that they are interested in having sex with you by the act of going out with you! That has set me so much at ease on my dates. I love how I don’t have to be a clown or the star of the bar to have sex and make it with women. Last night I listened to and held a conversation with two women I barely knew, at one time for over three hours! I did this by following your advice about listening. I studied social science findings regarding flirting and conveying interest and proper respect to those you are speaking to, and it helped solidify what I did not know about social graces. “Such as head nodding, eye contact, and how to show that your listening verbally.” I let my personality come out and become genuinely engaged in “their” conversation.

This worked so well that the girl I was with set “future” with ME, and subtley indicated that her friend would also be interested in having sex with me! I couldn’t believe what she was communicating! If I hadn’t read your book I would not have been listening for this nor would I have taken it seriously. I realized that she had brought her friend out to meet me, so that she could have sex with me too!  Women are more wonderful and beautiful than I could ever have imagined them to be.

Thanks again for all your knowledge and insight. I believe that the 40 I spent on your book was most likely the best money I have ever spent in my entire life.


Wow I can’t believe it, your book is the BIBLE of dating and relating.

David Deangelo, Mystery and Neil Strauss look like kindergarten teachers compared to you.

This is totally amazing stuff.


This is life changing material….


You not only helped me get my ex-girlfriend back in three weeks (the things these other guys say don’t bother trying to do – and she is totally digging me more than ever.)


This is not just about dating and relating to women. Your book helped me learn how to relate to my boss, my co-workers and all my friends at a new level. This is totally amazing. If the Pope ever takes a poll I’m voting for you for sainthood!


I applied what you said about “feet angels” and I got rid of my old girlfriend and met the most incredible woman that I am totally compatible with.

Thanks a lot Mr. L. Rx.


I am girl, but I getting all my brothers and guy friends to read your material. You got it nailed honey.

I want guys to treat me just like you tell them to.


I went out and developed my own technique just like your book taught me. And it is so cool I am being totally me and I am totally comfortable with what I am doing. I’m a little on the short side and balding so I’ve always had a bit of uncomfortableness and shyness when meeting women. But now I don’t have to try to be cocky and funny and other crazy stuff that just wasn’t me. Best of all I’m getting girls left and right. I can’t believe that no one else knows the stuff that you are teaching. My gratitude to you, Mr. L. Rx. You are totally incredible


I didn’t have time to read the whole book when I got it, so I just read the chapter on how to pick up women walking down the street, etc. It’s awesome dude it works. I’ve been trying for years but the girls NEVER call me back or answer the phone. But after doing what you say to do in the chapter, EVERYONE is calling me back and picking up their phone when I call. – THANKS!.


I met a P**** Tease in a club and man your stuff worked just like you said it would.

She was all over me in minutes and told me I was the most interesting guy she had ever met.

She came over to my house and totally seduced me three days later.

WOW man. Thanks!!!




Awesome Information.


Your book is great. Your stuff really works. The feet thing is amazing.


Wow ! It works, dude.


My Girlfriend loves you Mr. L. Rx. She said to tell you thanks!


(From a female) I read these man books all the time to help me understand men better. Just like you say all the gurus know a little bit about something that works some of the time, but none of them have it all – until you. I have to say you are the first and only guy that really knows what he is talking about. You cover it all from diverse personalities and situations and from dating to relating. And the thing about feet is totally wild but I’ve been looking – its accurate. I’m telling all my male friends about you.


I just finished reading Dating to Relating from A to Z and I must say this is the sanest, most useful technology on getting and getting along with women I have ever scene. Observation, confront, situational gradients, reach and withdraw, …. etc. very astutely applied in the real world. I particularly appreciated the dissertation on the different types of sexual relationships – it truly broaden my viewpoint and liberated me from the mindset monogamy was the only “ethical” choice.


Great stuff

Love your approach…it differs from all the other Gurus out there and is NOT purely based only on being THE ALPHA MALE. Always acting this way (being loud et.) is not my style. I don’t feel comfortable acting like that cause it’s not ME.


l love it


It’s cool




Your emails have helped me a lot…..

and now my girlfriend is keen to learn from you too


I am really happy to join this group


Thanks all


It is great to go through your materials. They are very helpful indeed.


Thanks for the free mini course your offering me…

its pretty interesting I have learnt some thing from this course


Mine is to appreciate your good and useful lessons. I find them helpful, educative and practicable.

Keep up your good work for the betterment of our relationships.


Thank you for your free service.


Thanks – I am very happy too for all that I have received from your website.


Its working – Thanks its working! I tried and for once my woman thanked me.


I am glad about your teachings and I am happy!.


You are great MR.L.RX


Thank you very much for all the free messages I have been receiving from you.

They have been so very useful to me


Thank you so very much cos you are really doing a great job.


You got it all right man, the mini-course you sent me really does wonders.

Last night I applied almost 60% of the moves and my girlfriend couldn`t stop smiling.

She actually asked me that, who taught me the moves and I just smiled. Thanks man! Keep sending.


For further information go to
or you can contact Mr. L. Rx at
Dating To Relating, Inc.4001 Kennett Pike #134-590
DE 19807. 302-777-1642 x 423.
Publicist – Durk Dugan – 707-280-8818

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