OODA looping

What do Operation Desert Storm and Brexit have in common? The OODA Loop (observe, orient, decide, act), a military strategy that requires a half-day presentation to explain, counts Dick Cheney as a disciple, and was designed by John Boyd, one of the United States' greatest fighter pilots.

The BBC's Matthew Syed has a good explainer:

From Boyd's Wikipedia entry:

He was dubbed “Forty Second Boyd” for his standing bet as an instructor pilot that beginning from a position of disadvantage, he could defeat any opposing pilot in air combat maneuvering in less than 40 seconds. According to his biographer, Robert Coram, Boyd was also known at different points of his career as “The Mad Major” for the intensity of his passions, as “Genghis John” for his confrontational style of interpersonal discussion, and as the “Ghetto Colonel” for his spartan lifestyle.

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