Wednesday headlines: Boys pollution

Nigeria's debt to gasoline suppliers has surpassed $6 billion, doubling since early April. / Reuters

Young men in Sri Lanka face an epidemic of kidney disease linked to extreme heat, dehydration, and heavy pesticide use. / The New York Times [+]

“Sun kinks” refer to train tracks getting “visibly wavy” during severe heat waves. / The Grist

Dozens of Alaskan rivers are taking on an eerie shade of orange. / Atlas Obscura

Microsoft will pay an oil company hundreds of millions to remove carbon from the atmosphere. / Semafor

Online shopping, data collection, and algorithms are combining to generate individual prices for customers. / The Lever

See also: Buying a car is “an uneven negotiation from the beginning.” / Prospect

George Stephanopoulos tells a passerby in New York City he doesn't think Biden can serve four more years. / Reliable Sources

Margaret Sullivan: The media has been breathlessly attacking Biden. What about Trump? / The Guardian

Related: Some details on the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. / Kottke

Thoughts on the in-flight safety video. “Air New Zealand really leaned into it.” / Why is this interesting

Exploring the cultural impact of Boyz n the Hood's title graphics. Also, J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit is said to be a good book to read aloud. / It's Nice That, The Common Reader

Young men are said to be “glaringly absent” from contemporary writing about intimacy. / Esquire

Exam questions from a course taught by Vladimir Nabokov on European literature. “Did she like her mountain lakes with or without a lone skiff?” / Futility Closet

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