Wednesday headlines: Keep mom and carry on

Hamas's political leader Ismail Haniyeh is killed in Tehran. It's likely to have a chilling effect on ceasefire talks. / Al Jazeera, BBC News

Etan Nechin: Pinpoint operations stand in stark contrast to five-ton bombs. / X

Dan Williams: Ignorance and misperceptions are not puzzling. The challenge is to explain why some people see reality accurately. / Conspicuous Cognition

Landfills account for more than 17 percent of human-caused methane pollution. / Scientific American

In Europe, wind turbines and solar panels overtook fossil fuels to generate 30% of the EU's electricity in the first half of this year. / The Guardian

Germans adopt “plug and play” solar panels. “You just hang them from the balcony like wet laundry.” / Kottke

New York's Metropolitan Museum says it's attracting half the international visitors that it did before the pandemic. / The New York Times [+]

A related short film: What's that mark on the wall? / Colossal

Some Britons fear their cherished slang is being lost as young people adopt universal terms learned on TikTok. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

What is the key to cultural relevance in 2024? “Intricate world building,” i.e., lore. / The Face

Top performers on OnlyFans often hire “chatters” to impersonate them with fans. Some subscribers say the deception amounts to fraud. / Reuters

Meanwhile, are thousands of women really “panicking” about “blush blindness,” i.e., wearing too much blush? / Vox

A growing number of women are said to be seeking out relationships with chatbots. / axios

Unrelated: “My Mom Says She Loves Me. AI Says She's Lying.” / The Atlantic [+]

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