Wednesday headlines: The tiger house rules

In many regions, communicable diseases are surging past their pre-pandemic levels, “often by significant margins.” / yahoo! news

The surgeon general calls for a warning label on social media platforms. / The New York Times [+]

You have until June 26 to prevent Meta from using your photos and text to train their generative AI. Eleven steps for opting out. / Ladyparts

Developers are trying to partner with churches, temples, and synagogues to build new housing. / Vox

Along those lines, “Anti-Growth Fervor Grips US South After Pandemic Boom.” / Bloomberg

A lot of people supposedly want to become “tiger parents”—or, they want to live near some. / The New Yorker

Unrelated: “Every Place On Earth Has Wrong Amount Of Water.” / The Onion

A woman finds out the right-wing internet thinks she's the CIA-connected leader of the “censorship industrial complex.” / The Atlantic

See also: A former CIA officer describes how expensive watches are used to recruit spies. / Watches of Espionage

“The best content on the internet is created by people who have turned research into their leisure activity.” When your favorite form of entertainment is downloading PDFs. / personal canon

An attempt to understand Ursula K. Le Guin better through her early-internet blog. “??It was website as imagination, a website was effort.” / DIRT

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